By Rob LassonISE alum Tammy Montgomery established an endowment to provide financial support for undergraduates from our state's underserved rural counties. |News
By Rob LassonSenior Catherine Reckard realized she loved math and creative problem-solving. So she looked into engineering with the hopes of finding opportunities. |News
By Rob LassonGraduate student Jessica Bryant talks with Diversity in Action Magazine about her journey from the military to the STEM field of advanced manufacturing. |News
By CAMAL CommunicationsThis year's winners of NC State's top research and mentorship award include CAMAL's Ola Harrysson and ISE's Maria Mayorga, |News
By Ian PriceOn April 13th, United State's Senator Ted Budd toured the CAMAL lab. Budd is the Senator for North Carolina and has served in that position since 2022. Before that, he served as the US House Representative for North Carolina's 13th District from 2017 to 2023. While touring the lab, Budd observed CAMAL's work with their five-axis CNC machines and 3D printing capabilities. Budd also took the opportunity to speak with some of the student workers in the lab. |News
By CAMAL CommunicationsFollowing a nationwide search, Jim Pfaendtner has been named the Louis Martin-Vega Dean of the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University.